Anurag Kumar
Head- Event & Marketing
Over 12+ years experience in Events & Marketing Field. Creative Thinker & Seasoned Photographer with Landscape and Travel photography as main area of interest.
Raman Barwal
Creative Head
Over 10+ years of experience in the field of photography. Has earned several accolades and awards from A top organization which includes award from National Geographic and Appreciation from National Photography Society.
Ravi Kumar
Creative Head

Over 6+ years of experience in field of Cinematography and Video Direction. Have good Knowledge of photo and video editing.

Deepak Thakur
Senior Photographer
Over 5+ years of experience in field of photography and videography. Have good Knowledge of photo and video editing.
Ashish Ranjan
Head – Digital Marketing
Over 12+ years of experience in the digital marketing field. Certified Paid Marketer, Ex-Google Ads Account Manager - US & Canada Market. Other Past Experiences Includes Brands like IBM, Orange, Genpact, & Amazon
Manish Kumar
Head - Development
Over 8+ years of experience in the field of creative designing & website development. He leads the team of website development experts & Creative Designers. His expertise in development includes CSS, JSS, HTML, PHP, Angular JS, WordPress, Jumla, Shopify, Click Funnel, etc.
Vineet Kumar Pal
Video Editor & Graphics Designer

Over 4+ years of experience in Video Editing, Motion designing & Graphic designing.

Akshay Tiwari
Motion Designer
Over 3+ years of experience in Video Editing, Motion designing & Ingenious designer.